Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Genocide and Hope

Here's a little video reflection on our time in Rwanda


Adam said...

Hi, my name is Adam Gagne. I am a youth Pastor in Brantford ON, Canada. I have a group of teens who are hungry for more and who I think need to see what it's really like to live selfless lives and to Live for Jesus and like Him. I Just finished reading the book Irresistible Revolution and thought that it would be neat if i could organize a trip for some of our youth to work with The Simple Way for a couple days during the summer. Can you let me know if this is something that The Simple Way would consider? I'm not sure if you are the right person to contact, but I had a hard time finding an email address or phone number to contact someone about this. Can you please direct me to someone who can help me, if it is not you!
May God's Love Endure!

Unknown said...

May God continue to lead and bless your ministry. Indeed: "If you knew me you would not have killed me." How profound! Umbuntu!

Jane Savage
Bay Area, CA